We developed a visual strategy that told stories about the different beer styles, touching on the brewery’s geographic history to drive emotional engagement and enhance brand recognition.
The visually bold, fun, confident bottles offer an identifiable, unified brand that drive recognition, differentiates from the competition and creates a sustained conversation with customers.
By far the most engaging project was a series of their first-ever can designs for their first canning run! We developed a design system that would be versatile and engaging for each can, while maintaining an individual personality and story for each beer. As these cans have hit the market, they've been greeted with stunning success, fitting for their stunning appearance.
Great attention was given to identify brand strengths, weaknesses, and align strategy more closely with the expectations of customers.
Visual creative was developed in a visually fun and authentic way that strengthened the brand loyalty.
Our recent work with Outcast Brewery includes the label redesign of the brand’s premium Boss Beer. The new label, better communicates the quality and authentic production process of the liquid to modern beer drinkers.
The new site added much needed functionality to their online presence, as well as sprucing up their appearance with mouth-watering footage of their brews, lots of high resolution photography, and much more relevant information. Not to mention the part you can't see: Their SEO. We've combed through all of Google's best practices and stay up to date on all the SEO changes as they come out, so that each site we design is at the top of its game to show up on all major search platforms.